Sunday, December 18, 2011

Friday, December 2, 2011

Paul Krugman at the New York Timies Writes that We Are the 99.9%

Paul Krugman headlines his New York Times op-ed of November 24, 2011:

We Are the 99.9%

Hat tip to CaryGEE.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Income and Wealth Inequality in the United States and the 99% Majority Who are Not Rich: Most U.S. Presidential Candidates Do Not Represent The Majority Population

Shaila Dewan has a nice take at the New York Times Politics page on the fact that Most Presidential Candidates Are Not the 99 Percent who make up the "not rich" in America.

As Dewan writes to start off her article:
"Occupy Wall Street protesters have touched a nerve with their slogan, “We are the 99 percent.” It has focused attention on the ground gained by the rich even as a brutal economy has pushed the typical American family backward. Economic inequality may or may not become a central issue in the presidential race, but the candidates have at least one reason to hope it does not.

A look at the finances of those vying for the presidency shows that almost all of them rank at the very top of the country’s earners. In other words, they are the 1 percent."

Sunday, August 14, 2011

100-Year Old People No More Virtuous Than the General Population: Hey,There is Hope for All of Us Yet

Whether you live to be a 100 depends more on your genes than your lifestyle.

See Christopher Wanjek at MSNBC Today in 100-year-olds report lifetime of lousy health choices where he writes:
"Researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University have found that many very old people — age 95 and older — could be poster children for bad health behaviorwith their smoking, drinking, poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise."

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